I'm Sarbo.
As a research-driven science enthusiast and technology aficionado, I thrive on pushing beyond academic boundaries to create practical, innovative solutions by leveraging cutting-edge technologies to solve real-world problems. I'm committed to transforming curiosity into action - one problem at a time, with creativity and efficient code.
{ "Clipd": { "description": "Clipd is a minimalist clipboard application that enables users to save text effortlessly, generate customizable links for easy access, and retrieve or update content at any time.", "technologies": ["FastAPI", "Supabase", "HTML"], "repo": "https://github.com/sarbosarcar/Clipd", "deployment": "https://clipd-app.vercel.app" } }
{ "SimpliPy": { "description": "Flask-based song recommendation web app.", "technologies": ["Flask", "CSS", "HTML"], "repo": "https://github.com/sarbosarcar/SimpliPy", "deployment": "https://simplipy.onrender.com" } }
{ "EduPy": { "description": "Flask-based web app recommending undergraduate courses in Europe.", "technologies": ["Flask", "CSS", "HTML"], "repo": "https://github.com/sarbosarcar/EduPy", "deployment": "https://edupy.onrender.com" } }
{ "CodiPy": { "description": "GUI-based code generation platform using OpenAI Codex model.", "technologies": ["HTML", "OpenAI API"], "repo": "https://github.com/sarbosarcar/CodiPy" } }
{ "Air-Mouse": { "description": "Virtual mouse using hand gestures for pointer control.", "technologies": ["Python", "OpenCV"], "repo": "https://github.com/sarbosarcar/Air-Mouse" } }